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Package rpc









Object literals



Re-exports BigintOrHexStringTypeException


Re-exports BigintOrHexStringTypeException


Re-exports HexStringWithout0xException


Re-exports HexStringWithout0xException


Re-exports IdNotMatchException


Re-exports IdNotMatchException


Re-exports IdNotMatchedInBatchException


Re-exports IdNotMatchedInBatchException


Re-exports MethodInBatchNotFoundException


Re-exports MethodInBatchNotFoundException


Re-exports OutputsValidatorTypeException


Re-exports OutputsValidatorTypeException


Re-exports PageSizeTooLargeException


Re-exports PageSizeTooLargeException


Re-exports PageSizeTooSmallException


Re-exports PageSizeTooSmallException


Re-exports PayloadInBatchException


Re-exports PayloadInBatchException


Renames and re-exports CKBRPC


Renames and re-exports CKBRPC


Re-exports ResponseException


Re-exports ResponseException


Re-exports StringHashTypeException


Re-exports StringHashTypeException



ERROR_LABEL: "Batch Request" = "Batch Request"

Const ParamsFormatter

ParamsFormatter: { toArray: (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined) => (arg: any) => any; toBoolean: (value: boolean) => boolean; toCellDep: (cellDep: CellDep) => CellDep; toDepType: (type: "depGroup" | "code") => "code" | "dep_group"; toHash: (hash: string) => string; toInput: (input: Input) => CellInput; toNumber: (number: string | bigint) => string; toOptional: (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined) => (arg: any) => any; toOutPoint: (outPoint: OutPoint) => OutPoint; toOutput: (output: Output) => CellOutput; toOutputsValidator: (outputsValidator: OutputsValidator) => OutputsValidator; toPageNumber: (pageNo?: string | bigint) => string; toPageSize: (pageSize?: string | bigint) => string; toRawTransaction: (transaction: RawTransaction) => RawTransaction; toReverseOrder: (reverse?: undefined | false | true) => boolean; toScript: (script: Script) => Script; toTransactionProof: (proof: TransactionProof) => TransactionProof }

Type declaration

  • toArray: (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined) => (arg: any) => any
      • (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined): (arg: any) => any
      • Parameters

        • Optional format: ((args: any) => any) | undefined

        Returns (arg: any) => any

          • (arg: any): any
          • Parameters

            • arg: any

            Returns any

  • toBoolean: (value: boolean) => boolean
      • (value: boolean): boolean
      • Parameters

        • value: boolean

        Returns boolean

  • toCellDep: (cellDep: CellDep) => CellDep
  • toDepType: (type: "depGroup" | "code") => "code" | "dep_group"
      • (type: "depGroup" | "code"): "code" | "dep_group"
      • Parameters

        • type: "depGroup" | "code"

        Returns "code" | "dep_group"

  • toHash: (hash: string) => string
      • (hash: string): string
      • Parameters

        • hash: string

        Returns string

  • toInput: (input: Input) => CellInput
  • toNumber: (number: string | bigint) => string
      • (number: string | bigint): string
      • Parameters

        • number: string | bigint

        Returns string

  • toOptional: (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined) => (arg: any) => any
      • (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined): (arg: any) => any
      • Parameters

        • Optional format: ((args: any) => any) | undefined

        Returns (arg: any) => any

          • (arg: any): any
          • Parameters

            • arg: any

            Returns any

  • toOutPoint: (outPoint: OutPoint) => OutPoint
  • toOutput: (output: Output) => CellOutput
  • toOutputsValidator: (outputsValidator: OutputsValidator) => OutputsValidator
  • toPageNumber: (pageNo?: string | bigint) => string
      • (pageNo?: string | bigint): string
      • Parameters

        • Optional pageNo: string | bigint

        Returns string

  • toPageSize: (pageSize?: string | bigint) => string
      • (pageSize?: string | bigint): string
      • Parameters

        • Optional pageSize: string | bigint

        Returns string

  • toRawTransaction: (transaction: RawTransaction) => RawTransaction
  • toReverseOrder: (reverse?: undefined | false | true) => boolean
      • (reverse?: undefined | false | true): boolean
      • Parameters

        • Optional reverse: undefined | false | true

        Returns boolean

  • toScript: (script: Script) => Script
  • toTransactionProof: (proof: TransactionProof) => TransactionProof

Const ParamsFormatter

ParamsFormatter: { toArray: any; toBoolean: any; toCellDep: any; toDepType: any; toHash: any; toInput: any; toNumber: any; toOptional: any; toOutPoint: any; toOutput: any; toOutputsValidator: any; toPageNumber: any; toPageSize: any; toRawTransaction: any; toReverseOrder: any; toScript: any; toTransactionProof: any } = paramsFormatter

Type declaration

  • toArray: function
    • toArray(format?: undefined | ((args: any) => any)): (Anonymous function)
    • Parameters

      • Optional format: undefined | ((args: any) => any)

      Returns (Anonymous function)

  • toBoolean: function
    • toBoolean(value: boolean): boolean
    • Parameters

      • value: boolean

      Returns boolean

  • toCellDep: function
    • Parameters

      Returns CellDep

  • toDepType: function
    • toDepType(type: DepType): "code" | "dep_group"
    • Parameters

      Returns "code" | "dep_group"

  • toHash: function
    • Parameters

      • hash: string

      Returns Hash256

  • toInput: function
    • Parameters

      Returns CellInput

  • toNumber: function
    • Parameters

      Returns Number

  • toOptional: function
    • toOptional(format?: undefined | ((args: any) => any)): (Anonymous function)
    • Parameters

      • Optional format: undefined | ((args: any) => any)

      Returns (Anonymous function)

  • toOutPoint: function
    • Parameters

      Returns OutPoint

  • toOutput: function
    • Parameters

      Returns CellOutput

  • toOutputsValidator: function
    • toOutputsValidator(outputsValidator: OutputsValidator): undefined | "default" | "passthrough"
    • Parameters

      Returns undefined | "default" | "passthrough"

  • toPageNumber: function
    • toPageNumber(pageNo?: string | bigint): string
    • Parameters

      • Default value pageNo: string | bigint = "0x1"

      Returns string

  • toPageSize: function
    • toPageSize(pageSize?: string | bigint): string
    • Parameters

      • Default value pageSize: string | bigint = "0x32"

      Returns string

  • toRawTransaction: function
  • toReverseOrder: function
    • toReverseOrder(reverse?: boolean): boolean
    • Parameters

      • Default value reverse: boolean = false

      Returns boolean

  • toScript: function
    • Parameters

      Returns Script

  • toTransactionProof: function

Const ResultFormatter

ResultFormatter: typeof resultFormatter

Const ResultFormatter

ResultFormatter: "/vercel/path0/packages/rpc/src/resultFormatter" = resultFormatter

Const _default

_default: { getBlock: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((hash: string) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (block: Block) => Block }; getBlockByNumber: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((number: string | bigint) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (block: Block) => Block }; getBlockEconomicState: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((hash: string) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (blockEconomicState: BlockEconomicState) => BlockEconomicState }; getBlockHash: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((number: string | bigint) => string)[] }; getCellbaseOutputCapacityDetails: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((hash: string) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (details: CellbaseOutputCapacityDetails) => CellbaseOutputCapacityDetails }; getConsensus: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (consensus: Consensus) => Consensus }; getCurrentEpoch: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (epoch: Epoch) => Epoch }; getEpochByNumber: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((number: string | bigint) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (epoch: Epoch) => Epoch }; getHeader: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((hash: string) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (header: Header) => Header }; getHeaderByNumber: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((number: string | bigint) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (header: Header) => Header }; getLiveCell: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((outPoint: OutPoint) => OutPoint)[]; resultFormatters: (cellWithStatus: { cell: LiveCell; status: string }) => { cell: LiveCell; status: string } }; getTipBlockNumber: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (number: string) => string }; getTipHeader: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (header: Header) => Header }; getTransaction: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((hash: string) => string)[]; resultFormatters: (txWithStatus: TransactionWithStatus) => { transaction: RawTransaction & { witnesses: Witness[] }; txStatus: { blockHash: string | undefined; status: TransactionStatus } } }; getTransactionProof: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((arg: any) => any)[]; resultFormatters: (proof: TransactionProof) => TransactionProof }; verifyTransactionProof: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((proof: TransactionProof) => TransactionProof)[] } }

Type declaration

Const _default

_default: { calculateDaoMaximumWithdraw: { method: string; paramsFormatters: (((hash: string) => string) | ((outPoint: OutPoint) => OutPoint))[] }; dryRunTransaction: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((transaction: RawTransaction & { witnesses: Witness[] }) => RawTransaction)[] } }

Type declaration

Const _default

_default: { addNode: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }; clearBannedAddresses: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }; getBannedAddresses: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (bannedAddresses: Array) => Array }; getPeers: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (nodes: RemoteNodeInfo[]) => RemoteNode[] }; localNodeInfo: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (info: LocalNodeInfo) => LocalNode }; pingPeers: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }; removeNode: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }; setBan: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }; setNetworkActive: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((value: boolean) => boolean)[] }; syncState: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (state: SyncState) => SyncState } }

Type declaration

  • addNode: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
  • clearBannedAddresses: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
  • getBannedAddresses: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (bannedAddresses: Array) => Array }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
    • resultFormatters: (bannedAddresses: Array) => Array
        • (bannedAddresses: Array): Array
        • Parameters

          • bannedAddresses: Array

          Returns Array

  • getPeers: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (nodes: RemoteNodeInfo[]) => RemoteNode[] }
  • localNodeInfo: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (info: LocalNodeInfo) => LocalNode }
  • pingPeers: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
  • removeNode: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
  • setBan: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
  • setNetworkActive: { method: string; paramsFormatters: ((value: boolean) => boolean)[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: ((value: boolean) => boolean)[]
  • syncState: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (state: SyncState) => SyncState }

Const _default

_default: { clearTxPool: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }; getRawTxPool: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (rawTxPool: {} | {}) => TxPoolIds | TxPoolVerbosity }; sendTransaction: { method: string; paramsFormatters: (((transaction: RawTransaction & { witnesses: Witness[] }) => RawTransaction) | ((outputsValidator: undefined | "default" | "passthrough") => undefined | "default" | "passthrough"))[]; resultFormatters: (hash: string) => string }; txPoolInfo: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (info: TxPoolInfo) => TxPoolInfo } }

Type declaration

  • clearTxPool: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[] }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: never[]
  • getRawTxPool: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (rawTxPool: {} | {}) => TxPoolIds | TxPoolVerbosity }
  • sendTransaction: { method: string; paramsFormatters: (((transaction: RawTransaction & { witnesses: Witness[] }) => RawTransaction) | ((outputsValidator: undefined | "default" | "passthrough") => undefined | "default" | "passthrough"))[]; resultFormatters: (hash: string) => string }
    • method: string
    • paramsFormatters: (((transaction: RawTransaction & { witnesses: Witness[] }) => RawTransaction) | ((outputsValidator: undefined | "default" | "passthrough") => undefined | "default" | "passthrough"))[]
    • resultFormatters: (hash: string) => string
        • (hash: string): string
        • Parameters

          • hash: string

          Returns string

  • txPoolInfo: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (info: TxPoolInfo) => TxPoolInfo }

Const _default

_default: { getBlockchainInfo: { method: string; paramsFormatters: never[]; resultFormatters: (info: BlockchainInfo) => ChainInfo } }

Type declaration

Const _default

_default: { IdNotMatchException: typeof IdNotMatchException; ResponseException: typeof ResponseException }

Type declaration

Const _default

_default: { IdNotMatchedInBatchException: typeof IdNotMatchedInBatchException; MethodInBatchNotFoundException: typeof MethodInBatchNotFoundException; PayloadInBatchException: typeof PayloadInBatchException }

Type declaration

Const _default

_default: { BigintOrHexStringTypeException: typeof BigintOrHexStringTypeException; HexStringWithout0xException: typeof HexStringWithout0xException; OutputsValidatorTypeException: typeof OutputsValidatorTypeException; PageSizeTooLargeException: typeof PageSizeTooLargeException; PageSizeTooSmallException: typeof PageSizeTooSmallException; StringHashTypeException: typeof StringHashTypeException }

Type declaration

Const formatter

formatter: { toArray: (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined) => (arg: any) => any; toBoolean: (value: boolean) => boolean; toCellDep: (cellDep: CellDep) => CellDep; toDepType: (type: DepType) => "code" | "dep_group"; toHash: (hash: string) => Hash256; toInput: (input: CellInput) => CellInput; toNumber: (number: Number | bigint) => Number; toOptional: (format?: ((args: any) => any) | undefined) => (arg: any) => any; toOutPoint: (outPoint: OutPoint) => OutPoint; toOutput: (output: CellOutput) => CellOutput; toOutputsValidator: (outputsValidator: OutputsValidator) => OutputsValidator; toPageNumber: (pageNo?: string | bigint) => string; toPageSize: (pageSize?: string | bigint) => string; toRawTransaction: (transaction: RawTransaction) => RawTransaction; toReverseOrder: (reverse?: undefined | false | true) => boolean; toScript: (script: Script) => Script; toTransactionProof: (proof: TransactionProof) => TransactionProof }

Type declaration

Const rpcProperties

rpcProperties: RpcPropertes

Const toAlertMessage

toAlertMessage: (alertMessage: AlertMessage) => AlertMessage

Type declaration

Const toBannedAddress

toBannedAddress: (bannedAddress: BannedAddress) => BannedAddress

Type declaration

Const toBannedAddresses

toBannedAddresses: (bannedAddresses: BannedAddresses) => BannedAddresses

Type declaration

Const toBlock

toBlock: (block: Block) => Block

Type declaration

Const toBlockEconomicState

toBlockEconomicState: (blockEconomicState: BlockEconomicState) => BlockEconomicState

Type declaration

Const toBlockchainInfo

toBlockchainInfo: (info: BlockchainInfo) => BlockchainInfo

Type declaration

Const toCapacityByLockHash

toCapacityByLockHash: (capacityByLockHash: CapacityByLockHash) => CapacityByLockHash

Type declaration

Const toCell

toCell: (cell: Cell) => Cell

Type declaration

Const toCellDep

toCellDep: (cellDep: CellDep) => CellDep

Type declaration

Const toCellIncludingOutPoint

toCellIncludingOutPoint: (cell: CellIncludingOutPoint) => { blockHash: string; capacity: string; cellbase: boolean; lock: Script; outPoint: OutPoint; outputDataLen: string }

Type declaration

Const toCellbaseOutputCapacityDetails

toCellbaseOutputCapacityDetails: (details: CellbaseOutputCapacityDetails) => CellbaseOutputCapacityDetails

Const toCells

toCells: (cells: Cell[]) => Cell[]

Type declaration

Const toCellsIncludingOutPoint

toCellsIncludingOutPoint: (cells: CellIncludingOutPoint[]) => CellIncludingOutPoint[]

Type declaration

Const toConsensus

toConsensus: (consensus: Consensus) => Consensus

Type declaration

Const toDepType

toDepType: (type: DepType) => DepType

Type declaration

Const toEpoch

toEpoch: (epoch: Epoch) => Epoch

Type declaration

Const toFeeRate

toFeeRate: (feeRateObj: FeeRate) => FeeRate

Type declaration

Const toHash

toHash: (hash: Hash256) => Hash256

Type declaration

Const toHeader

toHeader: (header: Header) => BlockHeader

Type declaration

Const toInput

toInput: (input: CellInput) => CellInput

Type declaration

Const toLiveCell

toLiveCell: (liveCell: LiveCell) => LiveCell

Type declaration

Const toLiveCellWithStatus

toLiveCellWithStatus: (cellWithStatus: { cell: LiveCell; status: string }) => { cell: LiveCell; status: string }

Type declaration

    • (cellWithStatus: { cell: LiveCell; status: string }): { cell: LiveCell; status: string }
    • Parameters

      • cellWithStatus: { cell: LiveCell; status: string }

      Returns { cell: LiveCell; status: string }

Const toLiveCellsByLockHash

toLiveCellsByLockHash: (cells: LiveCellsByLockHash) => LiveCellsByLockHash

Type declaration

Const toLocalNodeInfo

toLocalNodeInfo: (info: LocalNodeInfo) => LocalNodeInfo

Type declaration

Const toLockHashIndexState

toLockHashIndexState: (index: LockHashIndexState) => LockHashIndexState

Type declaration

Const toLockHashIndexStates

toLockHashIndexStates: (states: LockHashIndexStates) => LockHashIndexStates

Type declaration

Const toNumber

toNumber: (number: BlockNumber) => BlockNumber

Type declaration

Const toOutPoint

toOutPoint: (outPoint: OutPoint) => OutPoint

Type declaration

Const toOutput

toOutput: (output: CellOutput) => CellOutput

Type declaration

Const toPeers

toPeers: (nodes: RemoteNodeInfo[]) => RemoteNodeInfo[]

Type declaration

Const toRawTxPool

toRawTxPool: (rawTxPool: RawTxPool) => RawTxPool

Type declaration

Const toRemoteNodeInfo

toRemoteNodeInfo: (info: RemoteNodeInfo) => RemoteNodeInfo

Type declaration

Const toScript

toScript: (script: Script) => Script

Type declaration

Const toSyncState

toSyncState: (state: SyncState) => SyncState

Type declaration

Const toTransactionPoint

toTransactionPoint: (transactionPoint: TransactionPoint) => TransactionPoint

Type declaration

Const toTransactionProof

toTransactionProof: (proof: TransactionProof) => TransactionProof

Type declaration

Const toTransactionWithStatus

toTransactionWithStatus: (txWithStatus: TransactionWithStatus) => { transaction: RawTransaction; txStatus: { blockHash: string | undefined; status: TransactionStatus } }

Type declaration

Const toTransactionsByLockHash

toTransactionsByLockHash: (transactions: TransactionsByLockHash) => TransactionsByLockHash

Type declaration

Const toTxPoolInfo

toTxPoolInfo: (info: TxPoolInfo) => TxPoolInfo

Type declaration

Const toUncleBlock

toUncleBlock: (uncleBlock: UncleBlock) => UncleBlock

Type declaration


Const isTxPoolIds

  • isTxPoolIds(rawTxPool: RawTxPool): rawTxPool is RPC.TxPoolIds
  • Parameters

    Returns rawTxPool is RPC.TxPoolIds

Const toAlertMessage

Const toBannedAddress

Const toBannedAddresses

Const toBlock

  • Parameters

    Returns Block

Const toBlockEconomicState

Const toBlockchainInfo

Const toCapacityByLockHash

Const toCell

  • Parameters

    Returns Cell

Const toCellDep

  • Parameters

    Returns CellDep

Const toCellIncludingOutPoint

  • Parameters

    Returns { blockHash: string; lock: Script; outPoint: OutPoint; outputDataLen: string }

    • blockHash: string
    • lock: Script
    • outPoint: OutPoint
    • outputDataLen: string

Const toCellbaseOutputCapacityDetails

Const toCells

  • Parameters

    Returns Cell[]

Const toCellsIncludingOutPoint

Const toConsensus

  • Parameters

    Returns Consensus

Const toDepType

  • Parameters

    Returns DepType

Const toEpoch

  • Parameters

    Returns Epoch

Const toFeeRate

  • Parameters

    Returns FeeRate

Const toHash

  • Parameters

    Returns Hash256

Const toHeader

  • Parameters

    Returns BlockHeader

Const toInput

  • Parameters

    Returns CellInput

Const toLiveCell

  • Parameters

    Returns LiveCell

Const toLiveCellWithStatus

  • toLiveCellWithStatus(cellWithStatus: { cell: LiveCell; status: string }): { cell: LiveCell; status: string }
  • Parameters

    • cellWithStatus: { cell: LiveCell; status: string }

    Returns { cell: LiveCell; status: string }

Const toLiveCellsByLockHash

Const toLocalNodeInfo

Const toLockHashIndexState

Const toLockHashIndexStates

Const toNumber

Const toOutPoint

  • Parameters

    Returns OutPoint

Const toOutput

  • Parameters

    Returns CellOutput

Const toPeers

Const toRawTxPool

  • Parameters

    Returns RawTxPool

Const toRemoteNodeInfo

Const toScript

  • Parameters

    Returns Script

Const toSyncState

  • Parameters

    Returns SyncState



Const toTransactionPoint

Const toTransactionProof

Const toTransactionWithStatus

Const toTransactionsByLockHash

Const toTxPoolInfo

Const toUncleBlock

  • Parameters

    Returns UncleBlock

Object literals

Const formatter

formatter: object


  • toArray(format?: undefined | ((args: any) => any)): (Anonymous function)
  • Parameters

    • Optional format: undefined | ((args: any) => any)

    Returns (Anonymous function)


  • toBoolean(value: boolean): boolean
  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns boolean


  • Parameters

    Returns CellDep


  • toDepType(type: DepType): "code" | "dep_group"
  • Parameters

    Returns "code" | "dep_group"


  • Parameters

    • hash: string

    Returns Hash256


  • Parameters

    Returns CellInput


  • Parameters

    Returns Number


  • toOptional(format?: undefined | ((args: any) => any)): (Anonymous function)
  • Parameters

    • Optional format: undefined | ((args: any) => any)

    Returns (Anonymous function)


  • Parameters

    Returns OutPoint


  • Parameters

    Returns CellOutput


  • toOutputsValidator(outputsValidator: OutputsValidator): undefined | "default" | "passthrough"
  • Parameters

    Returns undefined | "default" | "passthrough"


  • toPageNumber(pageNo?: string | bigint): string
  • Parameters

    • Default value pageNo: string | bigint = "0x1"

    Returns string


  • toPageSize(pageSize?: string | bigint): string
  • Parameters

    • Default value pageSize: string | bigint = "0x32"

    Returns string



  • toReverseOrder(reverse?: boolean): boolean
  • Parameters

    • Default value reverse: boolean = false

    Returns boolean


  • Parameters

    Returns Script


Const rpcProperties

rpcProperties: object

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