HexString represents string starts with "0x" and followed by even number(including empty) of [0-9a-fA-F] characters.
HexString represents string starts with "0x" and followed by even number(including empty) of [0-9a-fA-F] characters.
Hexadecimal represents string starts with "0x" and followed by any number(excluding empty) of [0-9a-fA-F] characters.
Hexadecimal represents string starts with "0x" and followed by any number(excluding empty) of [0-9a-fA-F] characters.
placeholder codec, generally used as a placeholder
// for example, when some BytesOpt is not used, it will be filled with this codec
// option BytesOpt (Bytes);
const UnusedBytesOpt = UnknownOpt
placeholder codec, generally used as a placeholder
// for example, when some BytesOpt is not used, it will be filled with this codec
// option BytesOpt (Bytes);
const UnusedBytesOpt = UnknownOpt
Implementation of blockchain.mol https://github.com/nervosnetwork/ckb/blob/5a7efe7a0b720de79ff3761dc6e8424b8d5b22ea/util/types/schemas/blockchain.mol
Implementation of blockchain.mol https://github.com/nervosnetwork/ckb/blob/5a7efe7a0b720de79ff3761dc6e8424b8d5b22ea/util/types/schemas/blockchain.mol
generate absolute-epoch-number format since
generate absolute-epoch-number format since
generate header epoch from epoch since value
generate header epoch from epoch since value
return maximum since of args
sinces in absolute-epoch-number format
return maximum since of args
sinces in absolute-epoch-number format
Will throw an error if since not in absolute-epoch-number format
Will throw an error if since not in absolute-epoch-number format
parse epoch from blockHeader.epoch
parse epoch from blockHeader.epoch
Parse since and get relative or not, type, and value of since
Parse since and get relative or not, type, and value of since
BigUInt128 little-endian hex string
BigUInt128 little-endian hex string
BigUInt64 little-endian hex string
BigUInt64 little-endian hex string
from Transantion defined in @ckb-lumos/base/lib/api.d.ts
export interface Transaction {
cellDeps: CellDep[];
hash?: Hash;
headerDeps: Hash[];
inputs: Input[];
outputs: Output[];
outputsData: HexString[];
version: HexNumber;
witnesses: HexString[];
to :
interface TransactionCodecType {
raw: {
version: Uint32LE;
cellDeps: DeCellDepVec;
headerDeps: Byte32Vec;
inputs: CellInputVec;
outputs: CellOutputVec;
outputsData: BytesVec;
witnesses: BytesVec;
Transantion defined in @ckb-lumos/base/lib/api.d.ts
from Transantion defined in @ckb-lumos/base/lib/api.d.ts
export interface Transaction {
cellDeps: CellDep[];
hash?: Hash;
headerDeps: Hash[];
inputs: Input[];
outputs: Output[];
outputsData: HexString[];
version: HexNumber;
witnesses: HexString[];
to :
interface TransactionCodecType {
raw: {
version: Uint32LE;
cellDeps: DeCellDepVec;
headerDeps: Byte32Vec;
inputs: CellInputVec;
outputs: CellOutputVec;
outputsData: BytesVec;
witnesses: BytesVec;
Transantion defined in @ckb-lumos/base/lib/api.d.ts
Will throw an error if since not in absolute-epoch-number format
Will throw an error if since not in absolute-epoch-number format
Compare since with tipHeader, check since is valid or not.
Compare since with tipHeader, check since is valid or not.
Generated using TypeDoc
Base data structures and utilities used in lumos.